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Re: [FTL RP, GAME BEGUN] The Rogue Cadets

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:49 pm
by JakeCollins
Lamina wrote:
stylesrj wrote:In my headcanon of FTL, the Advanced Edition systems and even the Lanius popped up in the galactic scene shortly before the Kestrel's mission, so everyone's still coming to terms with those devices and some haven't even heard of them at all.
Since it seems this RP is set shortly after the war broke out, those systems wouldn't be available, or they'd be in their very basic forms (like Hacking being event-driven or Mind Control being more like a thing that whispers suggestions not to fight).

Or if you want better sci-fi terms, think Enterprise, not Original Series. You wouldn't trust your dog to be cloned back in those newfangled Clone Bays.

Yes, I too enjoy some nice low-fi. In my head I've thought of the Lanius as a event past the Zoltan-Crusade - but also prior to the Rebellion. In-game it's often hinted that they have a ability to transform into objects of metal. What's not to say that Lanius spies disguised as normal objects - lampposts, dinner plates or steel plates in spaceships - haven't been preparing their invasion, that occurs after the chaos of the Rebellion.

Just some thoughts,

Here's what this RP is gonna be like regarding advanced systems:

Clone bays are only recently being developed.

Hacking is even easier and even more powerful because computers are less advanced with worse security/firewalls. However, hacking is hard to come by. When you do get a hacking system, you can disable entire ships. But hacking is rare.

Mind control is still being researched. No one has developed decent Mind Control technology, and those who claim to are not very credible people.

Re: [FTL RP, GAME BEGUN] The Rogue Cadets

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:50 pm
by BrenTenkage
Bren was munching on some cheese pizza. Although it looked weird to see a Zoltan eat, it was more like him shoving the pizza into the spot where his mouth should be.

"Well...if we had an engi over riding the system it could work, my concern is the weapons, I've seen the weapons on it, very old, 2 old lasers canons won't help us if we have to fight before getting a new ship. 'He said

"Still I suppose this plan is the best we got" he said wiping the spot on his face with his sleeve.

(also the people who would be developing mind control would most likely be the slug people and doubt they would want to share)

Re: [FTL RP, GAME BEGUN] The Rogue Cadets

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 3:39 pm
by Lamina

Re: [FTL RP, GAME BEGUN] The Rogue Cadets

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 3:40 pm
by BrenTenkage
Lamina wrote:Don was passing restlessly down and up one of the hallways of the Federation Academy. It was very late, and his only company was a lone maintenance droid repairing some electrical wires. He folded the sleeves on his blue fatigue, and looked at his clock.
"It's almost midnight" he muttered to himself.
This was the night he and the others had been preparing for. The night of the cadets departure. It wouldn't be long before he would be aboard a spaceship, heading for the unknown reaches of space.

(kinda jumping the gun a bit, we are still in the planning stages LOL)

Re: [FTL RP, GAME BEGUN] The Rogue Cadets

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 3:47 pm
by Lamina

Re: [FTL RP, GAME BEGUN] The Rogue Cadets

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:00 pm
by JakeCollins
The others congregated in the academy courtyard, and proceeded through the dead of night to the gate surrounding the academy. One by one, they pulled each other up and over the gate, leaping down onto the sidewalk outside of the academy. "Good thing the surveillance systems are down for maintenance" Jake muttered, looking straight into the lens of a nearby security camera.

They set out down the street, going through town until they reached the Federation Memorial Center. Using some carbon-fiber rope they stole from a Zero-G training exercise, as well as a Magnetic Grapple lock for a hand-to-hand combat exercise, they had engineered a makeshift (but effective) grapple. They set the lock to magnetize on contact, and Jake attached it to a small quadcopter drone. The drone lifted the grapple up many many stories, all the way to the roof of the museum. Jake pulled the rope tight once it attached to the roof, and walked up to the wall of the museum, rope in-hand.

He took one foot off of the ground, and then another, placing them onto the wall so that he was in a horizontal position, holding the rope for dear life. It felt like years as Jake put one foot in front of the other, eventually clambering onto the roof of the museum. Arms aching, he looked out over the town below, waiting for the others to come up behind him. Tired and in pain, Jake took out a laser knife, stolen from an engineering exercise. "So much stolen equipment..." he murmured. "Better not get caught"

He used the laser knife to easily cut away the glass roof of the museum. Once he was done, he jumped down into the hole. Since the Robin A was suspended on the ceiling, it was a very small drop before... CLANG! Jake landed on the top of the Robin A's hull. The others soon followed, until they all stood on the top of the Robin.

It was a dim red color, but 80 years ago he assumed it would've been bright red. There was a maintenance hatch next to the group, which Jake managed to pry open. He crawled into the darkness of the Robin A. It was musty and dank. "Welcome to our ship" Jake coughed in the foul-smelling air.

Re: [FTL RP, GAME BEGUN] The Rogue Cadets

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:03 pm
by JakeCollins
BrenTenkage wrote:
Lamina wrote:Don was passing restlessly down and up one of the hallways of the Federation Academy. It was very late, and his only company was a lone maintenance droid repairing some electrical wires. He folded the sleeves on his blue fatigue, and looked at his clock.
"It's almost midnight" he muttered to himself.
This was the night he and the others had been preparing for. The night of the cadets departure. It wouldn't be long before he would be aboard a spaceship, heading for the unknown reaches of space.

(kinda jumping the gun a bit, we are still in the planning stages LOL)

What? I'm sorry, but I was continuing to write after what Lamia said. But s/he seems to have deleted it! (?)

It's OK, I noticed that there was an abrupt jump out of the planning stages. Please read my above post. I continued from where Lamia left off originally.

Re: [FTL RP, GAME BEGUN] The Rogue Cadets

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:05 pm
by BrenTenkage
Eyesight Technology wrote:The others congregated in the academy courtyard, and proceeded through the dead of night to the gate surrounding the academy. One by one, they pulled each other up and over the gate, leaping down onto the sidewalk outside of the academy. "Good thing the surveillance systems are down for maintenance" Jake muttered, looking straight into the lens of a nearby security camera.

They set out down the street, going through town until they reached the Federation Memorial Center. Using some carbon-fiber rope they stole from a Zero-G training exercise, as well as a Magnetic Grapple lock for a hand-to-hand combat exercise, they had engineered a makeshift (but effective) grapple. They set the lock to magnetize on contact, and Jake attached it to a small quadcopter drone. The drone lifted the grapple up many many stories, all the way to the roof of the museum. Jake pulled the rope tight once it attached to the roof, and walked up to the wall of the museum, rope in-hand.

He took one foot off of the ground, and then another, placing them onto the wall so that he was in a horizontal position, holding the rope for dear life. It felt like years as Jake put one foot in front of the other, eventually clambering onto the roof of the museum. Arms aching, he looked out over the town below, waiting for the others to come up behind him. Tired and in pain, Jake took out a laser knife, stolen from an engineering exercise. "So much stolen equipment..." he murmured. "Better not get caught"

He used the laser knife to easily cut away the glass roof of the museum. Once he was done, he jumped down into the hole. Since the Robin A was suspended on the ceiling, it was a very small drop before... CLANG! Jake landed on the top of the Robin A's hull. The others soon followed, until they all stood on the top of the Robin.

It was a dim red color, but 80 years ago he assumed it would've been bright red. There was a maintenance hatch next to the group, which Jake managed to pry open. He crawled into the darkness of the Robin A. It was musty and dank. "Welcome to our ship" Jake coughed in the foul-smelling air.

(guess we are doing this) Bren got to the weapon control room, setting his duffel bag with all the federation credits, food, and other supplies he could get his hands on. He went to the terminal and touched it, focusing his body to power it up.

The sound of the PA system could be heard starting up. Guess their captain got it up and running.

'Captain got the weapon system online, gonna be a few minutes to warm them up but I should be able to keep them online when needed' he said sitting down on an old chair and began to type, activating the warm up sequence

Re: [FTL RP, GAME BEGUN] The Rogue Cadets

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 4:28 pm
by Lamina

Re: [FTL RP, GAME BEGUN] The Rogue Cadets

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:27 pm
by Chickengames
I can't believe we're actually doing this. That thought ran through Kyrie's mind all the way to the memorial center. She had agreed to this ludicrous plan for a couple of reasons. The first being that her federation career was basically over, the second was for the thrill. The whole act of sneaking out at night, breaking into the memorial center, and stealing a ship: that was the real reason she had come. Kyrie slid through the hatch with everyone else and ran to the shield station.

"This thing is ancient, Jake. I hope we can get this thing to jump." Kyrie searched the console for some familiar symbols. Eventually she figured out how to bring the shields up. "Standing by on shields, captain."