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Pyro Ship (Hard Mode) - No Hull Damaging Weapons

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:39 pm
by DeathKnyte
Hi All,

I recently had an interesting run, and found it so unique that I figured I'd register here, and share it with anyone interested...

I started a game (on hard mode) and selected a random ship - "The Torus" was what came up (aka the "Engi A") - and proceeded on the journey to save the Federation.

The starting sectors went normally - well as normal as the game tries to throw things to impede you any ways - and I was able to figure out how to handle everything without too many problems. The Torus starts with an end game weapon - the Ion Blast II, and with some judicious use of the combat drone (power turning on/off, coordinating shots with the IB2, some patience, etc), one can handle just about every enemy ship for quite a while.

Sector 2; I upgraded the shields to level 4. This is nearly a "must upgrade" when playing in hard mode. I pass up many juicy other options, in order to get this. Nothing interesting was to be found in any store, so saved the rest of my scrap for the next one.

Sector 3; Upgraded the Doors system. One human and a couple of Engi's, even with the Engi Medi-Bots augmentation, just don't cut it against 4 to 6 boarders plus whatever the enemy ships has, should it have a transporter too.

Near the end of the sector, things were getting more challenging with just the initial weapons' load out, as well as my now, dwindling supply of drone parts. Concern was starting to creep up on me, as I considered if I could handle the next sector with just 3 drone parts in reserve. Then, in rather quick succession, I acquired (not bought); a Fire Drone, which through crew extermination, led to a Fire Beam, a regular Ion Blast, and a Zoltan Shield Bypass augmentation.

Hmmm. Okay... I thought to myself.
Perhaps this weapon combination can work for a while...

Sector 4 - Zoltan Home Worlds; bought a Defense Drone I (finally, maybe I can now save some scrap on repairs from all them missile impacts I was suffering on my ship till now), and Long Range Scanners (possibly the best augmentation in the game). Acquired the Zoltan Envoy (I really wanted the Zoltan Shield augmentation - but oh well). Then on the very next system jump, the Zoltan Envoy turned into an enemy and I was forced to kill her. Bought a Reserve Battery System (excellent power to cost purchase, as always).

Sector 5 - Rebel Stronghold: Upgraded shields to level 6. I'm jumping to every empty system I can get to, in order to find the special event. Then on the last jump - just before the exit - I found it...

** Note: I don't know how to make pictures fit, within the viewing area of these forums, as they are being cut off on the right side of the image. So I'll give a direct link to it instead. Just right click on the link and open them in an other tab to view them. **

Picture 1: ... osukdu.png

So, as you can see, I obviously have the second Rebel Flagship on the ropes, with the current weapons loadout.

The Engi Medi-Bot augmentation (which I usually always keep with this particular ship) is invaluable against boarders which I had to handle against this ship at the beginning of the battle. That's why you see some red in the rooms, due to prior venting and the broken door.

Basically; the ion weapons are used to disable; shields, weapons, drone control, etc. And the fire beam/drone are used to create an inferno throughout the ship. It takes a little practice, in coordinating these all together, as the enemy crew scrambles to put out fires, heal itself, and repair systems. In the picture above, you see that I am currently targeting their Medbay, in order to keep it ionized until a fire can burn it down. Manning the Sensor room helps a lot with this, but in nebula sectors you have to "go with where you figure they are - or should be", as sensors are disabled. A slug crewman would be a viable alternative, but none were available to me this run.

For missile defense, I cut power to the fire drone, and power up the defense drone as necessary. The combat drone, I keep in reserve, because rebel auto scout ships can not be destroyed otherwise.

The rewards are comparable to boarding, I sold a lot of stuff, which I received as rewards for eliminating the enemy crew. Combined with the Long Range Scanners augmentation, this approach gave a steady supply of scrap - actually, a plenty amount as I'll show you the tally at the end of this article.

You might think that it would be hard against rock ships, but although rock crew don't take any damage from fire - they still need to breathe. Setting fire to (or ionizing) the life support room achieves this easily enough.

Playing the ship in "this type of style", felt like I was playing one of the Slug ships - devious, cunning, sly and, outright cruel.

After this battle, I really wanted to find a store to purchase a Transporter and some rock crewmen...

Sectors 6 & 7: Battles are long and grinding.

Enemy ships nearly always have 3, 4, (sometimes 5!) shields.

Nothing at the stores, at least nothing I'm interested in - they are just used for repairs.
I have hundreds of scrap on board, and junk in reserve for selling too. I'm forced to even discard items as I acquire more.

I dismissed 2 crew members, from finding better ones when I eliminate enemy crews and receive rewards.

The jump just before the exit, there's a store. Finally something I can use is available! I purchase a Hull Repair Drone, a second Fire Drone, a second Defense I Drone, all the drone parts available, and the Hacking system. Sold the Long Range Scanners and, the Zoltan Bypass Shield (Without any mind control, teleporter, or teleporting bombs - I never was able to use it once, during the entire time since I acquired it any ways).

I still have hundreds of scrap available, but figure I'll hold onto it and see how I'll distribute the final upgrades before the rebel flagship fight.

Edit: Finished Sectors 6 & 7.

Re: Pyro Ship (Hard Mode) - No Hull Damaging Weapons

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:45 pm
by DeathKnyte
Sector 8 - The Last Stand:

I figure out the best path option, in order to intercept the Rebel Flagship, on the way to the Federation Base. I start out on my series of jumps, and since I'm now "flying blind", I don't know what each jump will land me into - but no matter - with all my experience from the previous sectors, I am now very familiar with handling anything encountered, with this ships' configuration.

A few jumps later, I see a store. I know this is the only one in this sector. It will cause me to deviate from my intercept path, but I'm going to go to it any ways. Although now I won't get to the Federation base till the Rebel Flagship has been there for a turn already, this is my last chance to maybe find something useful for that engagement.

And behold, there was a transporter for sale - I snatched it immediately! But now regret having sold the Zoltan Shield Bypass earlier.

Two jumps before the base, I see that the intervening jump points have been over-run. I make my final upgrade decisions now - as I won't be able to do so for the next three jumps. I also configure the drones I'll be using for the first phase, since I also cant change any equipment during jumps that are marked as dangerous. This might get tense, as I'll likely have to fend off boarders, and won't be able to repair either. Oh well, who said life in the Federation was easy any ways?

Phase 1:

Okay I got to the base - no hull damage suffered on the last few jumps - miraculously enough.

I have a plan for this phase, as long as the enemy does not hack any key system. I immediately deploy 2x defense drones, to intercept the hacking drone - they both miss it - and...

Picture #2: ... fynniq.png

My shields are hacked. Damn. I spent 250 scrap for the last two levels and the reactor upgrades to power them too. Now I'm getting a bad feeling about this phase, and no shots have been fired yet...

Any ways, you see that I have positioned my two rockmen, ready at the transporter (which has never yet been used), and all other possible systems which can be, are manned. My crew is top notch, every member is golden at their post, and by this point in the game, have also been cross trained, in case of a disaster.

My greatest concern for this phase, is the cloaking down time during which my weapons and fire drone will not be doing anything, and the heavy ion battery on the enemy ship - especially that I will now be shieldless at what will most certainly be, an inopportune time for me.

My original plan was to hack the enemy cloaking system, but now that my shields are nullified, I'm reconsidering directing it towards their shields to give me an accelerated assault window, or even "hacking the hack" to ensure my defenses stay up. It's one thing I love about this game, always throwing a monkey wrench into your plans and forcing a possible change of tactics.

Decisions, decisions...

Picture #3: ... sbbmuv.png

Second enemy cloak phase. I have made little progress in reducing their shields with the ions. I have hacked their shields after all, but not activated it yet, as I knew that they would cloak before I could let loose the fire beam. I know that I'll be eating some shots in the mean time, but I must be patient and wait for when I can send a full scorching beam shot.

For this phase, I had previously decided to go with 2x defense drones, for the enemy hacking drone and the missile battery. Since they proved worthless at the hacking drone interception, I figured they were saving their "good shots" for the missiles. Big mistake, as they haven't hit anything at all yet. What missiles did not impact me, were dodged by my pilot and engine man.

Unfortunately, I took a whammer in the engine room. My Zoltan is nearing death and I had to pull him out to ensure he survives. The Engi gunner, sensor man, and finally the doorman, have all been dispatched to try and bring the fire under control before the engines burn down completely. Since the shield room is hacked, I didn't even bother breaking through the locked doors and sent them the long way around, through the top of the ship. My shield man is just sitting there looking stupid, while the engine room burns down next to him.

That shield hack has grown into a major concern now, as it also impedes me in damage control and repairs.

Meanwhile, my boarding crew has been sent to start working on one of my primary concerns, the enemy heavy ion battery. They have killed the gunner, and are about halfway through pummeling the battery to a pulp. Good thing, as if you look at my shields currently, even though they are up and running, they have been ionized for what I deem is "too long" a time. At least something is working and, at this moment, gives me some encouragement.

Picture #4: ... fcg3hu.png

Now, the engine room has been restored, every one back at their posts, just in time to receive the next enemy shield-penetrating volley. Not as devastating as the last one, but I'll get to damage control soon enough. What I really don't like though, is the hull damage I've sustained, this early in the phase. Concerns coming at me from all directions, I'm frowning while playing this out now.

Positive side of things, enemy came out of cloak, and I was ready for it. Reserve battery accessed, power into hacking and transporter systems. Enemy shields brought down to zilch and I'm targeting missiles and hacking with my ions, when I had the chance. I got two good burns in too, one by the drone, and the second one from my beam just finishing in the picture above. Hacking the enemy shields has impeded their crew repositioning considerably, as it is so centrally placed between itself, three vital systems, and the rest of the ship.

The boarding party was brought back, healed, and sent back out after the first burn was ignited. It was a tough decision not sending them at the missiles or the hacking. Instead I opted for the enemy piloting compartment, as it was already on fire and with my own hacking lock-down, seriously limits the amount of enemy crew which can fight there.

A Note on the enemy shields; Even though you can see that they're coming back up, if you look at the enemy system display at the bottom of the ship image, you see that ionization damage is starting to stack. Once I have all four levels ionized, and as long as my IB2 remains functional - they're never going to get back up. I know for sure, because I haven't yet met a ship with enough shielding to resist the ability of the IB2. Besides, if a fire gets out of hand in that shield room, well you'll see...

Picture #5: ... ounjlv.png

Took another salvo of enemy fire. More hull damage. My frowning deepens till I can sense the creases on my forehead. Priority went to life support, as the air was starting to get thin on the ship. Drone control will soon be patched as well. Although the hacking system is no longer powered, and even though I've left the sensor room, I know that the enemy shields are saturated with ions. My fire drone, and ship beam are starting to run burn lines across the enemy system rooms.

My boarders haven't left the enemy comm, because they're having a great time reducing crew health to the ones that manage to break through the hacking locks and fight in the fire. Their piloting station has now been destroyed, and with no evasion or shields, my ion blasters can target and hit at will.

Picture #6: ... n2kntg.png

Boarding party has been recalled for a little R&R in the medbay. They did a bang up job of keeping the enemy crew busy and whittling away at their health while their ship burns. I no longer have regrets on sending them their earlier, instead of somewhere else.

I have now ionized their hacking system, and can breathe easier with crew movements on my ship not being so hampered.

My ship is back to being fully operational, albeit I've taken much more hull damage than I had anticipated. Still my confidence has mostly come back, and I feel I'll soon have the enemy fully under control. Just that missile battery is the real concern now, after that it's going to be easy.

Picture #7: ... hwu8gd.png

Enemy ship being brought to it's knees soon. Boarding party to the burning, ionized medbay, just to rub salt in the wounds. Missiles, cloaking, hacking, shields, comm, and what not ionized, disabled, or on fire. Enemy crew nearly all on their last gasps.

Picture #8: ... ys5qnf.png

Burn baby, burn.

Picture #9: ... tvbt9z.png

While watching this with great satisfaction, it suddenly dawns on me: How will I destroy the remaining enemy hull now?

Picture #10: ... rf9edm.png

I hope the ship repairs itself automatically - else this is going to be embarrassing to explain to the Federation admiral...

Picture #11: ... rhnnxq.png

Oh phew! It does start to repair itself.

All right - party on!

It soon blew up and jumped away.

Edit: Some spelling, grammar, etc.

Re: Pyro Ship (Hard Mode) - No Hull Damaging Weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:46 am
by DeathKnyte
Phase 2:

So, in preparation for the next phase; I use 7 hull repair drones to patch up my hull damage sustained previously. I start counting if I'll have enough drone parts to last me throughout the engagement, because if this rate of damage keeps up...

Best not to think about that. I'll just concentrate on trying to get to phase 3 for now, and deal with that when (or if) I get there.

I'll be going with 2x defense drones again, considering that the enemy will be sending over boarding drones along with the missile battery chunking out salvos at me. And hopefully, the defense drone targeting systems will be more accurate this time around.

I'm definitely going to hack the shields, and with the left over scrap reserves, I upgrade my hacking system fully to level 3.

My primary concern are boarding drones and the missile battery. Actually, it is the drone power surge which is the most dangerous, but I can't stop that no matter what - short of destroying the ship - which won't happen "that quickly". At least with the boarding drones and the missiles, I have some means of controlling the amount of potential damage I receive from those.

I consider whether I should follow the Rebel Flagship - or wait for it to come back to the base. But then I remember my drone parts inventory, and decide to stay put for two turns, and thus conserve the ones already deployed at my current location.

So I wait two jump phases and the big bad guy appears...

Picture #12: ... d8fno7.png

My reactions are immediate, I know the battle will take time, but at least I can try and control the damage I receive over that time.

Two defense drones powered up, and wonderfully they intercept the first boarding drone sent over. My own boarders to the missile battery room, while ions start working on shields. Hacking drone to the shields room, and watch for when the fire beam is about ready. Reserve battery accessed and powering the systems which require limited time.

Picture #13: ... rb9gvh.png

Without any enemy crew to keep track of, things seem easier - or at least my multitasking work load has been reduced.

Beam is about ready and I have pre-empted its firing time. Enemy shields hacked and burn path laid in. Fire drone already powered. Ion blasters switched to secondary targets. The enemy drone room is to stop the boarding drones while my fire drone is active, which means my defense drones are down to power other systems. Enemy missile battery being pummeled to a pulp.

Picture #14: ... o4jymd.png

Burns went well, shields and comm any ways. Boarders have moved to piloting to hurry its destruction, as since the shields are about to blow, my ions can then target and hit at will. Enemy drones are persistent, but as of yet my shields and dodging are holding.

Picture #15: ... jc8n1g.png

Boarders to tertiary room, enemy shields nearly destroyed, fires in key systems. Secondary hacking phase not required.

Picture #16: ... aejpbp.png

Rebel flagship is ablaze.

I have moved the boarding team to a central room. Waiting and ready to pounce on any system which the enemy AI repairs.

Picture #17: ... onqz0b.png

Recalled boarders for safe keeping, because I had to wait for the fires to burn out and the ship repairs itself, so that I could start the process over again to destroy the remaining hull. the picture above is after all that happened.

At this point, I suddenly realized that - I'm not taking any damage this phase!

What an utter surprise, especially after phase 1.

Only one hack required, no damage received, and I have no clue how many power surges I went through!!!

The Rebel flagship soon blew up and jumped away.

Edit: Spelling, Grammar, etc.

Re: Pyro Ship (Hard Mode) - No Hull Damaging Weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:44 am
by DeathKnyte
Phase 3:

Since the Rebel Flagship will now have a super Zoltan shield, that I need to blow through before using any weapons, I'll be going with two fire drones to hurry that process. Also, with my spare scrap I decide to upgrade my transporter for a safety level. Normally I would be looking at a doors upgrade, but I won't be facing any boarders (all enemy crew killed in phase 1), and whatever fires do start, my crew can certainly handle them with doors at level 2 and four Engi's in the crew.

My greatest concern for this phase, is the mind control and the missile battery. So I will separate my crew making sure just one is in a room as initial precaution.

The super weapon shots, I can't stop till the enemy ship is destroyed, so I'm going to concentrate on the things on which I can control till that happens.

Picture #18: ... bkf3ts.png

All right. Since I took no damage in phase 2, and consequently have many drone parts in reserve, I will follow the flagship and engage it away from the base. Should things go badly over there, I have a safe jump back to the base, to repair the ship and have another go at it.

Picture #19: ... do7jgm.png

So here we are. I immediately deploy two fire drones, to start helping in reducing the super Zoltan shield, auto-target my ions, and wait a second to see who will take the mind control shot. It went to my doors Engi, so not much concern there. Notice my rock men in their cautionary positions.

Picture #20: ... 2boktm.png

The super Zoltan shield has now been nullified, so I transport my boarders to the mind control room, and start working on its' destruction.

I hacked the shields and am currently waiting with my fire beam, to get a burn path in.

I switch off a fire drone, and power a defense drone - whenever the missile battery fires. Just one to defend this time, but I'll be working on that missile battery soon. The ions have already been auto-targeted towards it.

The Engi in the doors room should "snap out of it" soon, and he'll repair the doors back up in no time. I also took a hit in the comm, but the sensor Engi was immediately sent to help the pilot fix it. I need my dodge rate back up pronto. It is crucial in order to help avoid about half the super weapon shots.

Picture #21: ... xljej3.png

So now we have some good burns which are working on key enemy systems.

The boarding party is making good progress on the mind control system, and a fire there can only help too.

Not having any enemy crew to contend with - especially on this phase, feels both strange and a relief.

I already have a good feeling about this phase. Just hope that I can get enough systems destroyed in quick succession to damage its' hull. Because since there are less systems available on the enemy ship than the other two phases, I'll likely need 3 (maybe 4) times for the enemy ship to repair itself...

Picture #22: ... cdmnfj.png

Primary target destroyed, so my boarders have been ordered to the secondary target room to be destroyed.

Enemy shields are hacked, ionized, and in full fire. There not coming back until the AI can execute a repair. I have full control of the situation now, with exception to the super weapon blasts that come at regular intervals.

Picture #23: ... pzsdfg.png

Took some penetrating hits in that last volley of the super weapon. Damage control crews have been dispatched. They got lucky with a breach in my comm though, but at least the pilot console was not destroyed

The enemy ship is looking good, at least for me - bad for the rebels. When I snapped this picture, it coincided with the burn destruction of their shields.

Ions have been auto-targeted to the tertiary target room.

Picture #24: ... vxs24w.png

Things are being managed well.

My ship is near full function - hull damage received thus far, has been lighter than expected.

Enemy ship near complete crippling.

Picture #25: ... cxu8bs.png

Everyone recalled and at their stations, or precautionary position for a mind control.

Now it's time to wait for the enemy AI to repair the ship...

Picture #26: ... ag8qpt.png

Beginning of the above mentioned process.

The super Zoltan shield is the first "system" to come back.

Picture #27: ... tkincj.png

Pilot was the mind control target this time, but it is about to be quickly nixed, as my IB2 is about to target it.

Picture #28: ... skd8b2.png

Atmosphere coming back, since the O2 room has repaired, so my boarding team gets back to work.

Weapons targeting being switched, fire drone soon will fire, etc.

Also notice that the super weapon managed to nail one of my fire drones, which happened to be in the path of one said shot.

Picture #29: ... tprawc.png

After the destruction of the mind control unit, my boarders moved to the missiles, then the comm. But in the meantime, the mind control managed to repair itself and hit one of my boarders.

You can see by the green squares on the enemy ship, where they are moving to. The mind controlled boarder is going to the shields room, no doubt to start repairing it, while I'm sending the one I control back towards the unit which is causing me problems. In either case, I am also targeting it with an ion, so the situation should be resolved shortly.

I lost another fire drone, just recently as before.

Meanwhile, I'm starting to be amazed at how little hull damage I'm sustaining, with the constant barrage from the super weapon.

Picture #30: ... bgcumg.png

So this battle went on for a while, and yes I was correct in my earlier prediction - I did have to reduce 3 super Zoltan shields. The above picture is taken after all that and shortly before the inevitable.

Look at how much hull damage I have taken in "all this time - after countless shots of the super weapon (!)"

Picture #31: ... q0iivm.png


Long live the Federation!

Edit: Spelling, grammar, etc.

Re: Pyro Ship (Hard Mode) - No Hull Damaging Weapons

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:44 pm
by DeathKnyte

So the game of "FTL" is so well designed, that there are numerous ways to achieve victory.

In this particular case, it was done without any hull damaging weapons, for near the entire run, and certainly concerning the final engagements with the Rebel Flagship - and on the Hard difficulty setting to boot.

This article turned out longer than I had anticipated, but I found this run so unique, that I decided I should include a decent amount of information with it. I tried to describe my general strategy for the run, as well as the basic tactics employed in getting to the final fight. During the engagements with the Rebel Flagship, I went into more detail, and included a lot of pictures, so that people may get a good feel for how the battle developed along the various phases. Hopefully some of you found it both entertaining - and informative, and maybe gain some inspirations and intuition towards your own play styles.

Playing this ship reminded me of the event in a slug controlled nebula sector. The one where your doors get hacked to nothing, and the enemy slug ship has a fire beam, with the text of "They're going to burn you out!"

Final session stats in the picture below.

Picture #32: ... vqatov.png

Pretty amazing, all things considered.

112 beacons explored, a whopping 413 piloted evasions, and 1934 scrap collected during the run. That's a lot of scrap for hard mode, too bad so much of it went towards repairs in the first seven, or so sectors. Final score of near 6,000 too.