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Re: Your most Crushing defeat

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 9:05 am
by vdweller
Automated ship at sector 5. Had 2 scrap arms, 1 hull repair, 4 crew, Kestrel w/ Halberd beam. Blew the hell outta me with bombs. Multiple breaches=instadeath.

Re: Your most Crushing defeat

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:17 am
by Obz3hL33t
Stealth Cruiser, first jump, beam weapon + beam drone enemy, took out the FTL within seconds, ship destroyed a few seconds later.

Re: Your most Crushing defeat

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:29 am
by Some_Random_Noob
I was playing with Rock C, just had an awesome run, unlocked the Crystal ship, and had an amazing setup. But then of course I had to fly into a dead end (to unlock the Crystal ship) and had to go through 10 Rebels with ASB and get zero scrap for my last few upgrades, which lead to the Flagship eventually killing me.

And just now I had to end my Nesasio run because literally none of the stores I went to had weapons. I was fighting the boss with Burst Laser Mk 2 and my starting weapons. That was going to be fine, but of course the boss had to hack my weapons. And just to troll me the hacking cooldown just has to end literally 0.5 seconds before my weapons charge...

Re: Your most Crushing defeat

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:20 pm
by Braxbro
Kestrel A. 2nd sector starting, I have twin burst lasers, 2 shield bubbles, and am feeling good. I see the Rebel Stronghold and go there. First jump, I meet the Flagship Construction. And it seemed that it randomly generated with a Pre-Igniter, or I just wasn't paying attention to the weapons. (Tho, I do remember getting up and using the restroom with the game on pause... and my pet could have accidentally pressed the unpause key; as my ship settings were in total disarray) Triple missiles to weapons before I can even say a word, and then it just blasted me to pieces.

Least it didn't have the BS barrage of the Hard 3rd stage.


Re: Your most Crushing defeat

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:52 am
by Treamayne
Been playing Mantis B over and over to try and get the Boarding Objective complete.

Newest run, first sector, first jump is Automated scout with BLM2 and missile at a Solar Flare beacon. First 30 seconds: Missile to the Piloting, Laser to the O2 and a fire in the Medbay. The boarding drone I fired landed in the disconnected piloting room, so it couldn't kill the Scout. Game over in a minute. 25 points.

Re: Your most Crushing defeat

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2016 6:03 pm
by Braxbro
I had my dog trigger a fire bomb that I had bought on my own ship MULTIPLE FREAKING TIMES... Luckily it was just in the airlock...that caught fire and burned the crap out of the rest of the ship xD

Re: Your most Crushing defeat

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:16 pm
by tremor3258
Pretty much every time I start the Stealth C, it ends in fire and pain.

Usually in the first sector. :oops:

Re: Your most Crushing defeat

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:36 pm
by Pagru
Lanius achievement for <20% oxygen
Spent the entire game with most of the crew penned in two rooms. Most of sector 6/7 with one poor sod continuously asphyxiating, then being cloned, then asphyxiating.
Halfway through sector 7 my weapons get hacked n the room fills with delicious O2, all the way to 23% :'(


The first time I learned that an enemy pilot can make an ftl jump, even if he's battling a pair of mantis. He left with most of my crew... but he didn't get far -_-

Re: Your most Crushing defeat

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:59 pm
by Montegoraon
I was making an Engi B run just to fill out my achievement list (playing normal) while at the same time I was just starting to use the random flagship mod. I had managed to slog through and build that miserable pile of garbage into something halfway respectable. What did it have? It doesn't really matter. I hadn't yet realized the importance of paying close attention to what the random flagship generator had popped out. In this case, it had spawned with a pair of heavy ions. That is, the ion weapons that do four ion damage, and two system damage as well. Yes, even when setting the RFG to AE mode those can still pop out. I didn't even manage to get the first stage to half hull strength.

Re: Your most Crushing defeat

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:58 am
by Roma Lilly
have lost on my very first jump before, as well as the third stage flagship when it had 1hp and all of my shots missed about 7 times in a row...