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Re: New stuff?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:33 am
by 5thHorseman
I would be pretty surprised if the devs ever revisited FTL. I'd be HAPPILY surprised, but surprised nonetheless.

But so long as they release another game of any kind (hopefully in less than 5 years) I'll be happy.

Re: New stuff?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2018 10:38 pm
by SomeFederationPerson
If you want new stuff, check out the mod page, mainly FTL Captains Edition, is the biggest overhaul and a must have if you want new content (most overhauls like Infinite space, Arcadian war, FTL 2.0 have sadly been discontinued). Other mods that are in development are what I know of are FTL: Formation of the federation, FTL: Otherspace, and of course the project I am working which is Project Coalition.

In terms of new content?

Maybe, but it is unlikely with the release of Into the Breach that the developers are gonna develop anything new. But hey they might surprise us.