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[LEGO FTL PSA] I have opened a Cubebrush store.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:23 pm
by CrashSanders

Hey folks!

I have been invited to open a Cubebrush store, and so I did:

“But Mug,“ you would say, “don’t you already have a Gumroad store where you sell your LEGO FTL instructions?“

Well, yes… but you see, when I asked about the benefits of Cubebrush over Gumroad, I’ve been told by the Cubebrush employee that they offer lesser taxes and better visibility/publicity. So, a win-win situation, right?

I think so! I will keep both stores open for now, with identical products and prices on both ends, but when you purchase my instructions or instruction bundles from Cubebrush, theoretically I receive more of your money than on Gumroad. Also I think the payouts are immediate, compared to Gumroad's atrocious 2 week delay. So there's that.

And for someone like me, it’s super important! So please, spread the word and have a good day!

Re: [LEGO FTL PSA] I have opened a Cubebrush store.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 11:57 am
by CrashSanders
Hey everyone! So, the Cubebrush store didn't work out.
So I am liquidating it. But also, that means, it's a Liquidation sale!
Today, and only today, 20% off all of my LEGO FTL Instructions!

Here's the link: