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What about CO-OP, Multiplayer or MMO?

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:20 pm
by Nobal
I think if you add multiplayer mode to this game, so much guys come and buy this game. CO-OP can be like one person is one person in the crew. If you are in shield room and you manuverable with it you must do some little events only for person who is in shield computer.

Re: What about CO-OP, Multiplayer or MMO?

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:20 pm
by agigabyte
*Sighs* Why? Look through the fracking general discussion and mod dev sections. :evil:

Re: What about CO-OP, Multiplayer or MMO?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:56 am
by R4V3-0N
If I can read this correctly this 'may' be a good idea but not worth the resources, if I understand 1 player controls 1 crew and can go man a system or what ever?

Well if this is so then you need everyone on mic or at least can follow instructions and reasonably know each other (trust) otherwise you will have randoms put together not aiming at a good place on the enemy or only 1 guy is trying to put out a fire that is 2/3rds of the ship covered, etc.

How ever you should use the search function because I swear there is a request for a co-op/ multiplayer/ mmo like every week.

Re: What about CO-OP, Multiplayer or MMO?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:50 am
by jep
Just play Space Alert and be done with it.

Re: What about CO-OP, Multiplayer or MMO?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 2:09 am
by Kieve
There are some games that would simply sacrifice too much of their "soul" to be compatible with multiplayer or MMO playstyles. I'm not saying it can't be done, but there is no studio on earth I would trust to do it well, and a bad imitation of a loved game hurts much worse than a bad game on its own. Just look at Elder Scrolls Online.

Re: What about CO-OP, Multiplayer or MMO?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:15 am
by Nobal
ESO is really big mistake, its a good game, good mmo idea but why we must pay to play? its ridiculous. What i say is add CO-OP or multiplayer to this game. More players in one world more fun. I think MMO is good too. Example: You create your character its a Zoltan. You lose fight against pirates and you just try to survive on pirate ship. But something happens. New ship comming and you can see its federation ship. This ship destroy pirates and invite you to the crew. You accept and you get job as Soldier who can go to the planets and take some scraps, engine plans and much more goodies. I think add planets which can be looted its good point of MMO. Ofc you can build your own ship and your own base on one planet.

Re: What about CO-OP, Multiplayer or MMO?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:07 pm
by Kieve
Nobal wrote:ESO is really big mistake, its a good game, good mmo idea but why we must pay to play? its ridiculous. What i say is add CO-OP or multiplayer to this game. More players in one world more fun. I think MMO is good too. Example: You create your character its a Zoltan. You lose fight against pirates and you just try to survive on pirate ship. But something happens. New ship comming and you can see its federation ship. This ship destroy pirates and invite you to the crew. You accept and you get job as Soldier who can go to the planets and take some scraps, engine plans and much more goodies. I think add planets which can be looted its good point of MMO. Ofc you can build your own ship and your own base on one planet.

You completely missed the point of my post. ESO is a mistake because the developers are making an MMO and painting on a coat of Elder Scrolls for flavor - not because of its pay model.
What you're asking is essentially the same thing - to make an MMO of FTL, you'd give up everything that makes the game what it is. The end product would not resemble FTL in anything but name, making the endeavor pointless.

Re: What about CO-OP, Multiplayer or MMO?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:03 pm
by Nobal
Kieve wrote:
Nobal wrote:ESO is really big mistake, its a good game, good mmo idea but why we must pay to play? its ridiculous. What i say is add CO-OP or multiplayer to this game. More players in one world more fun. I think MMO is good too. Example: You create your character its a Zoltan. You lose fight against pirates and you just try to survive on pirate ship. But something happens. New ship comming and you can see its federation ship. This ship destroy pirates and invite you to the crew. You accept and you get job as Soldier who can go to the planets and take some scraps, engine plans and much more goodies. I think add planets which can be looted its good point of MMO. Ofc you can build your own ship and your own base on one planet.

You completely missed the point of my post. ESO is a mistake because the developers are making an MMO and painting on a coat of Elder Scrolls for flavor - not because of its pay model.
What you're asking is essentially the same thing - to make an MMO of FTL, you'd give up everything that makes the game what it is. The end product would not resemble FTL in anything but name, making the endeavor pointless.

so do you think FTL singleplayer can live forever? I don´t think so.

Re: What about CO-OP, Multiplayer or MMO?

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 8:28 pm
by jep
If every game could "live forever", what would be the point of new games?

Re: What about CO-OP, Multiplayer or MMO?

Posted: Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:37 am
by Nobal
jep wrote:If every game could "live forever", what would be the point of new games?

but only one thing what i said, and you think i want ruin this game is ´´co-op´´ can be good idea to create more fun to this game.