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Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:55 pm
by The_Bear
I think he would want you to make some h type shields now, if you dont understand what I mean look at the shield names.

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 6:22 pm
by The_Bear
currency idea: The game can have scrap and another currency like $. The $ will be used when you make ships on the generated stations and in all shops. Scrap will be used to build ships on your own stations and on black markets and in some shops. If its a damaged that need parts to repair then it will want scrap to repair the ship. The different species and factions could have their own type of money with like 100 of that being the same as 7 of something else. This would make scrap a international currency. And make it so how much something is worth depends on like trading and all that financial stuff, like if enemy ships destroy lots of transport ship making your team have to kick lots of people because they dont make any money (just make a text somewhere saying it, you dont need to make transport ships get attacked if it's not a quest to protect it them).
Edit2: You can lose scrap but since the other money is digital it is saved when your ship gets destroyed, and your money is the same anywere(gets converted when in other territories) but scrap is every ship and can be converted to money and stored at your station, you cant convert money to scrap.

Edit3: You dont have to give all species and nations their own currency.

Edit: I wanted to try to make a new weapon with other stats and image but I cant find the image so I cant even make how the weapon looks. pls add the tutorial soon, I want to make the illegal mystery weapons.

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:40 am
by kcd.Spektor
personman61 wrote:Here is the image, I used r3 as the base. It fits most of the ships, and its the biggest round shield you had in the last version.

Great - just what I needed - I will try it out.

The_Bear wrote:currency idea:

Sounds interesting, but, adding another curency to the game will make it alot hareder to implement.
I'm hoping to get at least this one curency system working later.

Edit: I wanted to try to make a new weapon with other stats and image but I cant find the image so I cant even make how the weapon looks. pls add the tutorial soon, I want to make the illegal mystery weapons.

Tutorial is WIP right now.

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:00 pm
by The_Bear
What did you think about the system ideas and the ship?

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:24 pm
by kcd.Spektor
The_Bear wrote:What did you think about the system ideas and the ship?

Don't stop on 1 ship layout.
Make 5- 10 and then select the best ones.
Adding new system types is quite time consuming and unbalancing, so that most probably is not gona happen.
But the more ideas I see the more I can find that are easy to implement. :)

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 3:54 pm
by kcd.Spektor
Tutorial on adding/changing, sfx, projectiles, systems.

General note: All parameter files are text files editable with common notepad.

Creating new SFX
Note: Thing about SFX(at least for now) is that it's only present on the client side. The server doesn't have anything to do with SFX.
1. Go to Client\Data\sfx folder
2. Open one of the images to see how animation frames are stored.(ex. LASER_EXP.png)
3. Each frame is of the same size.
4. Now open the corresponding .ani file(LASER_EXP.ani)
5. There are 3(can change in future) parameters: FRAMES, DELAY, SOUND
6. FRAMES=7 - This tells the game how many frames this sfx animation has.
7. DELAY=1 - This is a delay between switching from one frame to next.
8. SOUND=LASER_EXP - This is the name of the sound file that should be played when the SFX is added to the screen.
9. About FRAMES. When game loads it will load the image of the sfx and cut it into specefied amount of frames of equal width.
10. About DELAY. If you have an animation of only 2 frames then they will switch between each other so fast that it looks like some flickering. Increasing this DELAY helps solving this.
11. About SOUND. If you open the Client\Data\sounds folder, you will find there a file named LASER_EXP.ogg. When the game loads it goes through the sounds folder and loads all the sound files(ogg, mp3, wav)
12. Now let's create a new sfx. I want to make a plasma explosion sfx.
13. To keep it simple I will just copy the laser explosion sfx and change it's color.
14. I will call it PLASMA_EXP
15. Now since it has the same amount of frames, and can use the same frame delay, I will leave it to use the same sound as the laser explosion does.
16. So I will just copy the animation config file LASER_EXP.ani and rename it to PLASMA_EXP.ani
17. Put PLASMA_EXP.png and PLASMA_EXP.ani to Clien\Data\sfx folder and that's it. Easy right? :)

Creating new Projectile
Note: The projectile is alot like sfx, but it also has a separate file for the server.
1. Go to Client\Data\projectiles folder
2. Here you see the same thing as the SFX folder has - for each projectile there's an image file with animation frames, and an animation config file .ani
3. The image act the same way as for an sfx.
4. The .ani file has a bit diferent parameters inside
5. There are 4(can change in future) parameters: FRAMES, DELAY, SFX, SHAKER
6. FRAMES and DELAY are the same as for an sfx.
7. SFX=LASER_EXP - This is the name of the SFX that will be added to the screen when the projectile is destroyed(reached it's target).
8. SHAKER=1 - If this is set to 1 then, if you are on a ship, and that ship get's hit by a projectile with this parameter, you will get a screen shake.
9. Now let's create a new projectile, since we already have a projectile called PLASMA_CHARGE I will create a LASER_CHARGE.
10. Again to keep it simple I will just take the PLASMA_CHARGE image and change it's color.
11. Place the LASER_CHARGE.png and LASER_CHARGE.ani files into the Client\Data\projectiles folder, and we're done with the client side.
12. Also in the PLASMA_CHARGE.ani I will change the SFX parameter to SFX=PLASMA_EXP so that the plasma charge uses the plasma explosion sfx and the laser charge uses the laser explosion sfx.
13. Now go to Server\models\projectiles folder
14. There we have the .prj model files.
15. They have only 1 parameter(for now) inside - SPEED
16. SPEED=80 - the speed with which the projectile travels on the level
17. About SPEED. Each room cell on the level is 48x48 size. By default the size of a sector level is 300x300. So you can do some math and determine how fast you want your projectile to be.
18. Add LASER_CHARGE.prj file with SPEED=80 to the Server\models\projectiles folder, and we're done.

Ship system models
Note: Ship systems are configured only on the server side(except for weapons).
1. Go to Server\models\systems folder
2. There you see system type folders. All system models are sorted in those foldes for ease of use.
3. But they cal all be in Server\models\systems folder directly.
5. Diferent system types have diferent parameters in the models files.
6. First let's go over the parameters that are comon for all systems
TYPE - Type of the system.
HP - Health of the system
MINHP - When system is broken, it needs to be repaired to atleast this % of full HP to start working again
FIX - Repair speed boost. The higher this parameter is - the easier(faster) it is to repair this system.
WIDTH - How many room cells does this system take in width
HEIGHT - How many room cells does this system take in height
7. Now let's go over the specific system parameters
ENERGY - How much capacity is added to the ship's power capacitor.
LEV=0 - Doors level (0 - 4)
CHARGE - How much charge speed is added ti the ship's ENGINE(up to a max of 15 for the whole ship)
CHARGE - How much charge speed is added ti the ship's HYPERDRIVE(up to a max of 15 for the whole ship)
ENERGY - How much capacity is added to the ship's hyper drive capacitor.
REP - How much health is restored to the mobs/players per game tick
CHARGE - How much energy is needed for the system to work.
ex: if REP = 4 and CHARGE = 4, then, when this system is powered by 4 power it will heal at speed 4, if it is powered by 1 it will heal at speed 1.
SHIP_REP - How much oxygen is restored to the ship room cells every 4th game tick.
MOB_REP - How much oxygen is restored to the mobs/players per game tick
The power/output proportion is the same as for MEDICAL system.
Has no specific parameters for now, but it will have later.
ENERGY - How much energy does the reactor provide to the ship's capacitor every game tick.
LEV - level of sensors - this is not yet balanced but diferent levels will give diferent information all over the game.
Already now you can see that if you don't have this system - you can't see your ship's rooms.
If level >= 2 you will be albe to see enemy ship's rooms in your weapons systems.
If level >= 3 you will also be able to see the mobs/players in your weapons systems.
if level >= 4 you will be able to see the amount of ships detected in the sector
CHARGE - Maximum charge speed of the system
TIME - How many seconds it takes for the system to replenish 1 shield, when it is running at max charge speed.
SHIELDS - how many shields does the system provide to the ship.
Has no specific parameters for now, but it will have later.
CHARGE - Maximum charge speed of the system
TIME - How many seconds it takes for the system to recharge, when it is running at max charge speed.
PROJ - Name of the projectile that this weapon fires.(There should be a model for this projectile in the Server\models\projectiles folder)
DAMAGE - Damage dealt to the ship's hull
SYSTEM_DAMAGE - Damage dealt to the system that was hit.
MOB_DAMAGE - Damage dealt to mobs/players
SHIELD_DAMAGE - If ship has this or less amount of shields, then projectile will hit the ship.
SHIELD_PENETRATION - If projectile hit's shields(did not penetrate) then this amount of shields will be removed.
MISS - Miss chance in %
IMAGE - Name of the image file. There has to be an image for this weapon in Client\Data\weapons folder.
BASE - Name of the image file for the base of the weapon. There has to be an image for this weapon base in Client\Data\weapons\base folder.
BURST - How many projectiles are being launched every shot.
SOUND - Name of the sound file that will be played when the weapon fires. There has to be a sound file for this in Client\Data\sounds folder.
FIRE - Chance of starting a fire in %
BREACH - Chance of making a hull breach in %
For now it's the same as for Laser weapons

Creating new weapon
First of all I went and changed all laser weapons to use the new LASER_CHARGE projectile.
Now I want to create a new Plasma canon that will be installed on space stations
1. First let's find or make a new image for the weapon. (Thanks NarnKar) :)
2. Notice that I have left some empty space on the left, this is to make the weapon image rotate properly. The image is always rotated around the center point.
3. Now let's make a Base image for the weapon
4. Let's create a model file for our weapon, I'll call it STATION_PLASMA.sys
5. Here's what it contains
NAME=Station plasma cannon
6. I'll put the model file into the Server\models\systems\plasma folder. And that's it.

NOTE: AVOID USING WHITE SPACE CHARACTERS in all parameter/model files and file names. I'm pretty sure that if you use them, the game might crash at some point. :)

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:29 pm
by The_Bear
Then there is just world generation before alpha 0.3, and I have just made 4 versions of the ship, better start on the next 6.

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:43 am
by kcd.Spektor
The_Bear wrote:Then there is just world generation before alpha 0.3

Almost. :)

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:31 pm
by The_Bear
kcd.Spektor wrote:
The_Bear wrote:Then there is just world generation before alpha 0.3

Almost. :)

That wasn't there before.

Re: Hurray! Another multiplayer clone project. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:41 pm
by The_Bear