FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

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Sleeper Service
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby Sleeper Service » Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:21 pm

Lemmonade wrote:I would really like to collaborate with you regarding the pirate home world sector you mentioned to me. I have a couple ships you could use for events, that already have a usable story. I can also, to whoever reads this, take your mod ships and apply a pirate paint job, if you have one that you think would fit and would like me to do so for you. Also R4V3-0N has some good ideas about pirate types/factions. Let me know what you think.

Well the sector could indeed use some new pirate ships, I can take them onboard ( :roll: ) as long as they are ready to use (gibs, cloak, correct shading, matching FTL lore and style). You and R4V3 can post your suggestions here or send a PM.
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby R4V3-0N » Thu Dec 19, 2013 7:49 am

Just a quick idea... Sleeper Service got the right to use the Rock Brawler in Captains Edition...
What prevents him from using the normal one in Captains Edition? (forgive me if it is already, no patch note said the normal one was added).
R4V3-0N, a dreamer.
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby Sleeper Service » Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:42 am

Nothing, I just try to keep colours coherent. No bright red Rock ships in vanilla.
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby dalolorn » Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:02 am

Sleeper Service wrote:Nothing, I just try to keep colours coherent. No bright red Rock ships in vanilla.

On the other hand, a pirate who obtained a Rock ship may disagree... ;)

Speaking of which, maybe Kazaaak's ship could use some special art? Or the Rock-hunting Mantis ships?
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby R4V3-0N » Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:56 am

Oh and sleeper, just another thing, technically "red' is the type B colour for the pirates purple.

Source: Merchandise for FTL products, you can get a t-shirt with a Crimson red pirate logo, or Purple one. That can help put more difference in pirate ships without going to far into fanon. This red pirate paint is technically under "Apocryphal". Just something to consider. (anyway I'll shuddup now as this isn't an event or texlist.)

Edit: (dalolorn posted before me and prevented my post)

I agree =O a Rock hunting mantis ship with rock bits would be cool, also I was thinking of the mantis cruiser being in pirate colours (more stylised though since he is no ordinary pirate). Make it instead of the fighter he was in, it will be a bit more funner, and the way of getting the ship is not to destroy it so it still fits.
R4V3-0N, a dreamer.
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby Knightmarez » Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:50 am


Firstly, make a new station texture that shows these weird spider-growths all over the out side of the ship, like its been infested by giant nest of the creatures., make the event always like to this station, maybe do various colours as different factions. Makes a nicer background.

blue options

SLUG Crew : Read the spiders mind...
50/50 chance,

1Slug crew tells how he feels disgusted and can't perceive anything of value. you go on board and fight off aliens at the dock
2Slug crew goes insane, in the ensuing button-pressing madness causes a dire accident....a crewman is lost as an explosion rocks the ship. (chance remove one crewmemver, chance of loss of hull)

ROCK Rock crewm ember. The rock crew members tells a story '' i've seen this infestation before, rock stations are immune. You simply do this:.... '
The rock crew member grabs the controls.

1: Allow the rock to ram the side of the vessel, causing a targeted breech. : "the spiders are all vented out the hole made as the rock crew-member rams the ship into the biggest glowing part of the aliens spiders hive." : take min of 1 to a max of 3 hull damage.
2: Leave the station alone and move on.

Mantis Crew member:
Your crew go on board and fight them: following the Space-WAT plan, made by your mantis crew-member.

50% chance of victory vs the alien spiders
50% chance of losing a crew member.

Mantis Stims, Surred on by the mantis pheremones, time slows and you feel like you are in an action movie as your controled target combat action decimates the spiders, systematically killing them in a choke point on the station, then moving on to finish of the wounded queen her self......

....the queen explodes in a shower of guns and baby spiders, which are strategically vented into space though the airlock. The spectacular fight makes you the undeniable hero's of the day. The station boss grudgingly gives you a big reward and then asks you leave his office.

Medium sized reward, maybe an augment.
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby OneRedBlock » Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:25 am

I've got an idea for one, not very original.

"Arriving at the beacon, one of your crew spots something moving near the ship. Closer inspection reveals it to be a cargo pod from a Federation ship! You can't open it without bringing it on board."

1, Bring the cargo onto your ship.
2, Too risky, leave it floating in space.
3, Destroy it.
4, (Sensors Level Two / Long Range Sensors) Examine it before bringing it on board.

1a, "You bring the cargo pod into your ship's hold. Inside is a stasis pod, containing a human crewmember!" (Yay! More crew!)
1b, "You bring the cargo pod into your ship's hold. Inside is a powerful weapon!" (Gives you some nice weapon, not sure what.)
1c, "As you pull the cargo pod into your ship's hold, an alarm goes off. The pod is filled with dangerous chemicals! You don't know why your sensors didn't detect this! Your crew seals the cargo hold and jettisons the pod into space, but one of your crew was trapped inside. You watch helplessly as he is sucked into space." (One random crew member dies. :C)

2, "It seems a shame to leave cargo floating out there, but it's probably for the best. It might be dangerous." (You get NOTHING!)

3a, "You open fire on the cargo pod. As the protective casing is pierced, your sensors detect a living being onboard. Before you can do anything to save them, the pod explodes into a cloud of debris . You see a humanoid form float out of the wreckage . Your crew are angered, despite it being an accident." (Counts as one of those things that makes your crew hate you, forget what they're called.)

3b, "You open fire on the cargo pod. Your weapons trigger explosives inside! Your ship is pelted with debris, but there's lots of scrap metal to harvest." (Take some damage, three or five or something, but receive a medium amount of scrap.)

4a, "You scan the pod carefully. A life form is detected inside! Your crew brings the cargo pod into your hold, and you open it to find a stasis pod. Upon waking the inhabitant, you find a Federation survivor. You explain your quest and he offers his services to you, as well as giving you his knowledge of this system." (You get a human crewmember, and all the ships and stuff are revealed in your current system.)

4b, "You scan the pod carefully. A store of drones is detected inside! Your crew brings the cargo pod into your hold, and you open it to discover war automatons of some kind. They could be repurposed for multiple roles. Your crew gets to work programming them." (Receive a boarding drone and an anti personnel drone.)
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby blipadouzi » Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:45 pm

A few quick thoughts I had for Events... these are only brainstorming ideas, I don't have any storyline text for you.

-Star goes SuperNova
-Time Travel
-Get boarded by traders who steal tech/supplies
-Could have this create a Quest icon having you chase them down and reaquire your stuff
-Black Hole
-Crew mutations (maybe have a crew member exposed to radiation and transformed into another species) [eg. -1 human, +1 Zoltan)
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby KJ4VOV » Fri Jan 03, 2014 12:44 am

I have been playing CE for about a week now, and have been very impressed with it; kudos to you for such a fine mod! That being said though, there is one thing about the mod that has been bugging me... the frequent spelling, grammar and syntax mistakes that pop up. Rather than just gripe about it though I've instead come to offer my services, and hopefully assist in eradicating those annoying typos and textual faux pas. I have a wee bit of experience in this area and would enjoy helping out.

So, how may I be of service?
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Re: FTL Captains Edition: Call for Events/Textlists

Postby Sleeper Service » Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:10 am

There was a month of open spell checking, you are a little late. :D But if I get github to work with the local files you'll get your chance, eventually. Last time not so many people where actually participating.