What are some must-have mods for FTL?

Distribute and discuss mods that are functional. Moderator - Grognak
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What are some must-have mods for FTL?

Postby sairane67 » Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:19 pm

I am looking for some quality of life mods (maybe something that quickly displays how much power you have to allocate when you hover over) but am curious as to what the modding community has done for this fantastic game!
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Re: What are some must-have mods for FTL?

Postby Alvarin » Fri Nov 27, 2020 6:26 pm

There are several pursuit fleet progression indicator mods, to help count the jumps. I think none take the nebulae jumps difference into account.
Mods for backgrounds images make runs more diverse.
Hyperspace mod along its myriad changes has health indicators as a number, which is handy.
I guess anything actually significant "quality-of-life" changes is not quite possible due to hardcoding. Multiverse has some hardcoding bypasses, perhaps something there.