Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Distribute and discuss mods that are functional. Moderator - Grognak
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Re: Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Postby Torchwood202 » Thu Jan 03, 2013 10:12 pm

Event Idea

As you FTL to the beacon, your vision immediately blinded by a bright light white. After a few moment, you realize that it isn't just a white light, but A LOT of lights indicate a "Entertainment" Hub. One of your crew exclaims sayings of this specific hub being famous and begs you to check it out. He's not very specific on why its famous.

1. Check out the Hub and pay entrance fee. (-35 Scrap)
2. Leave, your on a mission. Theres not a moment to waste. (Leave)

1a. *Hic* Oh my *Hic* That was *Hic* some party. :lol: What was that girl's *Hic* name again? Samantha? *Hic* Mary? (Leave)

1b. As you move in to dock, your scanners indicate boarders! Your crewmate tricked you into a trap! (Lose a crew member, 2-4 enemy boarders)

1c. After a considerable good time in the hub, one of the servants there hears your travels and wishes to join you! (Gain a crew member)

1d. As you climb back onto your ship and count roll call, you realize a crew member is missing. You go back into the hub and find you crew member playing the slot machine. Turns out, he won big time! (+60 Scrap)

(Special Puzzle)
1e. Things were going great in the hub until you notice that a fight broke out. A lot of people are getting into it. What do you do?

131. Get out of there (Leave)

1e2. Have your Rockman stop the fight (Blue option)
Your Rockman, being the only Rockman here, quickly uses his bulk a presence to stop the fight. After things settle down, a man comes up to you and tosses you a bag of scrap. You try to ask him why, but he hurries off. You feel as though the fight was his fault in the first place. (+40 Scrap)

1e3. Have your Engi kill the lights (Blue Option)
Your Engi remotely blinks out the lights. You hear sounds of confusion as you run out of there. In the confusion, you lost a crew member! Its to dangerous to go back. (Lose a crew member)

1e4. Have your Zoltan establish peace (Blue Option)
Your Zoltan begins to give a great speech on Galactic law 2,3306,360 when he is interrupted by a punch in the face.
Suddenly, dozens of Zoltan officials materialize in front of the fight. They quickly sort it out and after some questioning, they release you and your crew. You check your watch and realize you were in there for too long! (+2 Rebel movement)

1e5. Have your slug mind control the strongest-looking fighter in the crowd. (Blue option)
Your slug mind controls a extremely burly looking Rockman and he immediately goes into battle. You use this to your advantage and make bets with those who are watching the fight. Turns out, the Rockman won, and you leave with pockets a little heavier. (+70)
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Re: Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Postby SeanRaider87 » Sun Jan 06, 2013 7:39 am

Just wondering if anyone can contrubute to this, because I have a bunch of ideas and no idea how to code.

EDIT: Evidently I didn't read the first post thoroughly enough, here's my first idea.

*Can be found in any type of sector.*

A freighter hails you. He explains that on a recent trade expedition, he was doing hasty repairs and forgot to properly attach one of his guns. He gives you the piece that stayed on and transmits the coordinates of the other half to your map. He tells you that it's yours if you find it and flies away.
(Adds a quest marker to your map in the same sector.)
(At quest beacon.) You find the weapon specified by the freighter pilot floating in space.

1. Attempt to bring it onboard.
2. (Blue) (Long-Ranged Scanners) Scan the area.
3. (Blue) (Slug Crew Member)
Ask your slug to scan the area.
4. (Blue) (Cloaking) Sneak towards the weapon and grab it. (New weapon.)
5. Fly away, you have a bad feeling about it.

1a. You manage to pull it inside and install it onto your ship. (New weapon.)
1b. Your hull shakes and sirens blare. An ambush! (Pirate fight.) After scrapping the debris of the pirate ship, you install the weapon on your ship. (New weapon.)

2a. You find nothing on the scanners and move in on the weapon. (New weapon.)
2b. You detect an enemy ship in the distance. They don't seem to have scanners.
2c. You detect nothing so you move in for the weapon. But a pirate ship uncloaks and moves towards you! (Pirate fight.)
After scrapping the debris of the pirate ship, you install the weapon on your ship. (New weapon.)

3a. Your slug reports nothing. You move in on the weapon. (New weapon.)
3b. Your slug detects a life form in the distance. He reports a blind spot directly behind him.
3c. Your slug detects nothing so you move in for the weapon. But a pirate ship uncloaks and moves towards you! (Pirate fight.) 
After scrapping the debris of the pirate ship, you install the weapon on your ship. (New weapon.)

2ba. Sneak up on him and plant timed explosives. (Missiles -4)
You back away and watch the fireworks. You scrap the debris from his ship, grab the weapon and prepare to jump. (New weapon and ship loot.)
2bb. Fire at the back of his ship.

3ba. Sneak up on him and plant timed explosives. (Missiles -4)
You back away and watch the fireworks. You scrap the debris from his ship, grab the weapon and prepare to jump. (New weapon and ship loot.)
3bb. Fire at the back of his ship.

2bba. His ship breaks apart. You scrap the debris and take the weapon. (New weapon and ship loot.)
2bbb. Either he has a responsive AI or incredible reflexes. He manages to dodge and block every shot and turns around to return fire. (Pirate fight.)
After scrapping the debris of the pirate ship, you install the weapon on your ship. (New weapon.)

3bba. His ship breaks apart. You scrap the debris and take the weapon. (New weapon and ship loot.)
3bbb. Either he has a responsive AI or incredible reflexes. He manages to dodge and block every shot and turns around to return fire. (Pirate fight.)
After scrapping the debris of the pirate ship, you install the weapon on your ship. (New weapon.)
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Re: Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Postby Torchwood202 » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:08 pm

Some either needs to update this or make another new events mod
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Re: Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Postby Whoopty » Wed Jan 30, 2013 11:29 am

For those looking for extra events, the next release of Infinite Space will feature new events that I put together. I think there's around 10 of them at the moment with the intention to add more in upcoming releases.
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Re: Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Postby Torchwood202 » Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:00 pm

If you want some events, go to this link
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Re: Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Postby DAOWAce » Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:18 am

I just saw a bunch of grammar corrections were done by somebody at github.

Thank you, middletonk. Fixed the main problem I had with this mod.
I don't mean to sound rude, but I can't help the way people interpret my words.
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Re: Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Postby HappyThug » Sun Feb 17, 2013 2:02 am

Very nice, thank you very much!
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Re: Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Postby Aric_D » Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:02 pm

Event Idea: when you encounter a rebel drone "powered down" it gives you the option to download it's data or strip it for about an additional option if you have an Endi on board: "reprogram and reconfigure the drones jump signature to match yours" if you are successful, you get a text saying something like: "The enemy drone jumps away to a random series of beacon's, the drone will show up as your vessel on any rebel ships sensors. That should slow the rebels down for awhile!" basically reducing rebel fleet speed by 50% in your present sector. If you fail, you get a message saying something like: "While attempting to reprogram the drone, your endi crew-member accidentally trips the drone computers security system. The vessel Immediately vents it's interior to space, sucking out your helpless crew-member. The drone then turns and commences an attack run on your ship." basically killing your endi and attacking you. Feel free to tweak or criticize.
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Re: Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Postby DragudoFire » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:43 am

Heres a few ideas for a event, "You see a ship in the distance, it hails you and says, We are bounty hunters, have you seen this man? A image appears on the screen and you realize that it is one of your men"
1. Lie and say that you saw him a few jumps away
2 Give up the member

1a. 50% that they beleave you and thank you for your time
1b. 50% chance that they had scanned your ship, and causes them to attack

2a. 25% chance for reward +200 scrap and a weapon
2b. 25% They thank you and say you did the right thing -1 crew member
2c. 50% They tell you that this is the wrong person and leave

Speacial (sensors 2+) You scan there jump logs and realize that they are bandits, and you attack them
(Engines 3+) Try and outrun them if failled you have to fight them

And one more "You have been working hard trying to avoid the rebel fleet, so you decide to rest on the nearby planet . While waiting to get your rooms you overhear people from the other room talking, you hear a man bellow *I CAN BEAT ANYONE IN A ARM WRESTLING MATCH!!!* "Hearing the man boast arrogantly you start counting out your scrap"

1. Bet 20 and get 40 for winning
2. Bet 40 and get 80 for winning
3. Bet 100 and get 250 for winning

"After deciding how mutch to bet you go up to the man and tell him that you would like to challenge him, he laughs and says *Alright witch of your crew wants to face me?"

1. Human
2. Engi
3. Mantis
4. Zoltan
5. Slug
6. Rockman
7 (Crystal special)

Human has 50% of winning 25% of losing and 25% of dying
Engi has 25% of winning 50% of losing and 25% of dying
Mantis has 80% of winning and 20% of losing
Zoltan same as human
Slug 60% win 20% lose 20% 20% dying
Rockman same as mantis
Crystal scares the man and he decides to back down and gives you partial of what you bet, 20% less than what you should have won

Win for Human and zoltan "Your Human/Zoltan member somehow won! You collect the prize money and procced to your rooms"

Win for Mantis and Rockman "Your powerful Mantis/Rockman easily overpowers the man, you collect your money and procced to your rooms

Win for engi "Some how your engi wins! The man must be weaker than he looks, you collect your money and procced to your rooms

Slug win "Your slug's slime makes the opponent's arm slip, causing you to win, you collect your money and prooced to your rooms

Lose for except Manti and rock "It seems that your crew member was just to weak to be able to defeat the man, you sulkingly procced to your rooms

Death for all except manti and rock "The man must have been stronger than you realize, when he relizes he is going to lose he decides to rip of your members arm, since there are no doctors in the building your member bleeds to death -1 memb of whatever you chose

lose for Rock/Mantis " The man was losing so he decided to try and rip your arm off, luckily your members body was use to combat, you were able to easily counter the mans attack, knocking him to the floor, as he gets up he decides to make a hasty retreat along with the scrap"

Welp thats all i can think of, sorry that i made it a essay and a half, tweak it and what not
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Re: Additional Events & Texts (AET)

Postby Aric_D » Tue Mar 26, 2013 4:56 am

I like the bounty hunter idea