[Ship] Death Star (a complete rework)

Distribute and discuss mods that are functional. Moderator - Grognak
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Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:47 pm

Re: [Ship] Death Star

Postby Thanatos » Sun Mar 02, 2014 5:15 pm

completely reworked the entire mod now with own images etc, check the first post for a few more infos.
hope you guys enjoy it that way.
ahhh, and since im not a native speaker i doubt my startquest is flawless, so if you guys find some typos or grammar mistakes or whatsoever pls inform me and i will fix them. would realy appreciate that ;)
wasnt too sure about the balance of the mod as well, tried to script the speed of those drones to fit a nice gameexperience so tell me if they are too fast/slow or whatever you else think might need a change. did 2 entire playthroughs since my last changes and felt it wasnt too far away from a nice balance. so a new pair of eyes checking it would be kinda cool.

and finaly a last question xD how can i recolor the beam ? do i have to unpack the data files, search for the beam i use and photoshop it green then pack the changed files into the ftl ? found normal laser shots like the ones for the drones and it worked, but dindt found the beam, just the shooting animation of it... but when im changing it green its just the animation, beam still is red. did i missed something ?

as future plans:

changing the death star beam to a greenish color with its own animation and maybe weapon image (if i dont hide that weapon completely since its normaly not supposed to be shot from a normal weapon).

add a few more drones like the tie bomber or a lambda class shuttle. maybe even spawning bigger drones as stardestroyers who knows...sending out 3 little tie fighters instead of one per drone would be cool as well.

changing the drones from atack/defense drone to something more special, so enemy ships are not using your drones as well.

if that is done and im still willing to mod instead of playing around with all that new mods here i guess im trying to create more starwars like ships like a star destroyer, tie fighter, boba fets shuttle, the millenium falcon etc. who knows what will realy come next ;)

sincere regards thanatos