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Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:56 pm
by Ginger Dragon
Wow, that was an awesome mod! The tital screen looks excellent, and I also like the new loading screen. Just finished my first playthrough where I tried to focus on creating an anti-ship ship, so I rolled with the ion plasma and the heavy beam. With the heavy beam, it was love at first sight. :D

Here's the link for part 1:
and part 2:

Tomorrow, I'll do it again, only try and focus on creating an anti-crew ship.

Also, I gotta wonder, was making the ship an "auto" class ship intentional, or was it a side effect of having no crew and you decided to roll with it?

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:34 am
by DryEagle
Dragon, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, courage, law and justice, just warfare, strength, strategy, civilization, inspiration, mathematics, the arts, crafts, and skill. Most of that applies here (maybe not arts, lol).
The goddess of love was Aphrodite. So, y'know, the name is fine ;)

And yes, the auto-repairs was intentional. It's a luxury cruiser and you're alone on it, you'd want some automation to take care of low-level maintenance, and using a repair drone is far too inelegant for a high-end ship like this.

Also, a couple other comments for you:
- engine upgrades are actually more effective at higher levels - getting 4% dodge when you already have 51 is worth more than getting 5% dodge when you only have 10. Since you're reducing 49% hit chance to 45%, meaning that's over 8% extra dodge, relative to what you already had. So, maxing out engines is very useful, if you have spare power (though you won't, with cloaking and drones).
- beam drones always deal more damage than attack drones, if they can get past shield, because they hit usually 2 times, sometimes 3 if they go across a few rooms. My augmented one actually has a longer beam path so there is more damage potential, depending on the RNG.
- when you have a defense and offence drone, you can toggle power between them - since they activate instantly, just turn off the defense drone and activate your attack drone in between enemy volleys. It's a lot of micro, but in fights where it matters (e.g. boss) it can be worth it.
- when sending crew into a room, they will always go to the square with a station on it first (which is why the bottom square in the engine room is 1st pick, etc).
- even though upgrading helm doesn't increase auto-dodge chance on this ship, it still gives buffer for it to take a hit and not go down from 1 damage...
- zoltans are better in combat than engis, -30% hp is a lower penalty than -50% damage

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 9:02 am
by DryEagle
I've updated the download link to fix 2 minor typos in the intro text. Gameplay is unaffected.

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:24 am
by Subzero2
Dry we will miss your mods.

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 8:59 pm
Subzero2 wrote:Dry we will miss your mods.

Wait, what?

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:02 pm
by Annilalate
Is the ultrasonic cannon SUPPOSED to shoot through Zoltan shields? While cool, I just don't think that's supposed to happen. o.o Then again, it doesn't do any hull damage so I guess it's not a bad thing.

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:31 am
by DryEagle
The description does say it punches straight through... and the tooltip says shield piercing... so, I'll go with "yes". After all, who likes a boring standard weapon? (don't answer that -..-)

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 12:57 pm
by dante2ndadvent
Awesome as usual Eagle, shame you're not making anymore mods though, really enjoyed your customs ship, the Shard in particular. Nice work.

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 1:46 pm
by MC3craze
That ultra cannon is amazing, especially when used with the super-heated plasma weapon. A real crew killer.

I also thought the 3 shield limit was interesting, especially against the flagship.

Re: [MOD] Descent into Darkness - a major game overhaul

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:15 pm
by DryEagle
This mod reached 1000 downloads last night, only 2 weeks after release. Glad to see so many people taking an interest.

For all of you lurkers, don't be shy, leave a comment if you liked it ;) almost 5000 views on this thread and barely a dozen replies (not counting my own), this community really could do with being a bit more active...